The Woman's Belly Book:
Finding Your True Center for More Energy, Confidence, and Pleasure
Your body's center, your belly, is home to your core life force. It's the site of your soul power, the source of your passion and creativity, your intuition and sense of purpose, your courage and confidence.

table of contents



chapter 1:
Core Principles,
  Core Practices

chapter 2:
  The Shape
  of Beauty

chapter 4:
  Smart Belly:

chapter 14:
  Restoring Your

bonus essay:
What About

press release

The Woman's Belly Book presents inspiring information, playful activities, and power-centering exercises to kindle the life energy concentrated in your body's core.

Yes, urged as we are to "trim our tummies" and "attack our abs," it takes guts — courage, determination, and daring — for a woman to honor her belly and discover the soul power it contains.

Are you ready? As you honor your belly and activate your Source Energy, you

  • boost vitality
  • release stress
  • spice up sexual pleasure
  • unleash creativity
  • increase confidence and compassion
  • amplify inner guidance
  • clarify purpose


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