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The Woman's Belly Book

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« Réhabiliter la sagesse dont notre ventre est porteur — ce livre nous montre comment. »

         — Christiane Northrup M.D.

pour un précis du livre, cliquez ici

It's still today's best-kept secret: Your body's center, your belly, is home to your core life force.

It's the site of your soul power, the source of your passion and creativity, your intuition and sense of purpose, your courage and confidence.

The Woman's Belly Book is your guide to activating your body-centered soul power — and expressing yourself all the more as the gutsy woman you are.

What women are saying...

A rich resource in your journey to self-love and personal power. Reveals an entirely different way of inhabiting our bodies.
         — Barbara Hanneloré
             The Moon and You

... liberating.
         — Publishers Weekly

... bright and beautiful threads of celebration, self-acceptance, and creative energy ...
         — SageWoman


     personal & environmental healing


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