Belly Bulletin

 Times & Valentines

Winter 2008  




In this issue...
We Are What the World Needs
Times & Valentines
Upcoming Events

Love Your Body

Activate Your Core Energy
Crown Yourself Queen...
Healing Bodies & Souls

Help Girls Thrive...

Shopping For Celebration


We Are What the World Needs
for Healing

Lisa Sarasohn

I had the pleasure of speaking with Victoria Stewart for an interview appearing last month in Issues & Alibis. Here's a brief excerpt from our conversation:

I believe that none of us has arrived on this planet by accident.

We've each received an engraved invitation to be here now, to add our gifts to the mix of being human.

We're each here to enact the purpose that ignites our soul power. As women validate ourselves, speak our truth, and act upon our deep soul guidance, we bring the feminine principle into the world.

We, in all our authenticity, are exactly what the world needs for healing....

Wishing you well,

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The Woman's Belly BookOrder the book through amazon.com & other bookstores.
336 pages; $15.95, discounts available

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Crown Yourself Queen...
...and Gird Yourself for Action!

SageWoman That's the title of my article in the March issue of SageWoman. Watch for it on newsstands, or subscribe to this magazine dedicated to "the goddess in every woman."

Back in 1996, SageWoman published The Goddess Ungirdled: How I learned to love my belly and found the Sacred Feminine within, launching this affirming approach to developing body confidence.


Healing Bodies & Souls:
       The Century Project

Bodies & SoulsBodies & Souls is a series of stunning (and at times playful) nude portraits of women combined with their personal statements.

Presented as a book as well as a traveling exhibit (plus a selection of photos online), the images bring forth what photographer Frank Cordelle calls The Century Project.

Cordelle photographs women of many sizes, shapes, and ages — from newborn to nearly 100 years old.

Celebrating women and our bodies as subjects, not objects, The Century Project is on view with exhibitions in Kentucky, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and North Carolina — April 6-9 at Western Carolina University in Cullowhee.

I heartily invite you to consider bringing an exhibit to your community. See The Century Project's website for details.

Bodies & Souls

Times & Valentines

Like many holidays, Valentine's Day holds a secret.

In other times, this day was a celebration of women's pro-creative power — the body-centered power to renew life, and the pleasure of doing so!

To unearth some of the Celtic, Roman, and heretical Christian strands weaving through Valentine's Day, see...

St. Valentine's Day

Upcoming Events

Rite for Invoking the Sacred FeminineJune 22 • Asheville, NC
Gutsy Women!
Time for Our Power

Time for Our Power (June 20-22) is a conference for women throughout the southeast...and beyond. Keynote speakers include Jane Fonda, Starhawk, and Julia Butterfly Hill. Workshops take place at venues throughout Asheville's downtown.

Don't miss out — register now!

Love Your Body

The Pomegranate SeedFebruary is Eating Disorders Awareness month. In Atlanta, EDIN is scheduling a whole calendar of Love Your Body events.

One highlight: singer-songwriter Cosy Sheridan's free performance of her award-winning show, The Pomegranate Seed. The show (also on CD) chronicles one woman's journey into the underworld and her rebirth into vibrant life.

Tuesday, Feb 19, 7-9pm, Kennesaw University, info: Sherry Grable

The Pomegranate Seed

Activate Your Core Energy
Honoring Your Belly: DVD

Learn and practice the power-centering moves with this updated 45-minute DVD.

$29.95 plus shipping
Order online

"I am LOVING doing the Honoring Your Belly 'workout'! It is enriching my personal growth and healing work in a deep and wonderful way. The DVD has been extremely helpful, and it's a great companion to the book."
— L.B., Atlanta
More info
Order DVD
Help Girls Thrive...

Full of Ourselves...by equipping them for leadership — that's the intention Lisa Sjostrom puts into play as she trains facilitators to lead Full of Ourselves, an eating disorders prevention curriculum for middle school girls.

Sjostrom, together with Adrienne Ressler of the Renfrew Center, present at the Healthy Eating and Living conference taking place February 22 in Asheville, NC.

Full of Ourselves

Shopping For Celebration

These three designs are available on scoop neck and V-neck t-shirts in women's plus sizes as well as in other styles and sizes. See the selection at these online shops at CafePress.com:

O Great MysteryBody Earth, Planet Home
O Great MysteryBody Earth • Planet Home

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