do you experience hunger? Where do you feel it in your
body? How do you know when your hunger has been satisfied? These
questions invite mind's compassion for body. For me,
hunger has a texture and a sound. I feel an ache in
my body's center, sometimes a clutching sensation, often
a gurgle or a growl. As
poet Mary Oliver names your physical form, the "soft
animal of your body" sends hunger as a signal of
your need: for food, energy, sustenance. Your
soul sends hunger signals as well: desire, discontent,
longing. How
do you experience longing? Where do you feel desire
in your body? What contentment is your soul seeking? Home
to your capacity for digestion, your belly processes
your hunger for food. Your body's center may play a
pivotal role in tending to your soul
hungers as well... More
on hunger |