Belly Bulletin

at Omega Institute October 13-15

Autumn 2006  

Register for Omega's conference on

Enlightened Power:
How Women Are Changing the Way We Live

with Marianne Williamson, Yolanda King, Rachel Bagby and more

and receive a 25% discount with this code:
Call 800-944-1001 today!

And stay tuned for news of a pre-conference teleseminar with Rachel Bagby and other conference presenters.

Living a Gutsy Life

Lisa Sarasohn

A young woman quits her accounting job. She starts her own business as a copywriter.

A single mother raises her daughters to speak with self-respect.

A woman in mid-life sells her house and moves halfway across the country to live in the mountains.

These are some of the stories women tell me when I ask them what it means to be a "gutsy woman."

What are your stories?

Tapping into your body's center, your source of inner strength, enables you to express the courage and confidence you already possess.

Bright blessings,

•  •  •

For more, see "Living a Gutsy Life" in...

The Woman's Belly Book

Read book excerpts...

Order the book through amazon.com & other bookstores.
336 pages; $15.95, discounts available



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In this issue...
Living a Gutsy Life
Upcoming Events

On the Airwaves
Learn the Moves—Get the DVD!
Write a Review

Upcoming Events

October 13-15 ... Rhinebeck, NY
"Gutsy Women!" at Omega Institute's conference on Enlightened Power

November 9-12 ... Philadelphia PA
"The Journey Home" at the Renfrew Center's conference on Eating Disorders

December 7 ... Asheville, NC
American Business Women's Association

May 3, 4 & 5 ... Baltimore, MD
"Body Confidence"
"Befriend Your Belly, Spark Your Soul Power"
breathe books &


On the Airwaves

More than 50 talk shows — radio stations from Philadelphia to San Diego and beyond — have featured belly-celebrating interviews. Some have been posted online; click here for links.

In fact, we're global! My conversation with Genine on an ABC station in Australia played to millions of listeners!


Learn the Moves—Get the DVD!

Honoring Your Belly: DVDThe updated 45-minute "Honoring Your Belly" DVD teaches you how to do the power-centering moves.

Order online

Price: $29.95 plus shipping

More info

Write a Review

Publishers Weekly calls The Woman's Belly Book "liberating."

Another reviewer says it "shows women how to open their eyes to their bodies' true and natural beauty. A must-read for any woman who is sick of the emotional yo-yo of self-criticism."

Still another writes: "I got a lot of laughs--it is so friendly and reassuring. As a woman who has sucked in her gut since I was old enough to remember, this book has been a wonderful blessing and...phew!...a relief."

Write your own review on amazon.com or barnesandnoble.com Give others the benefit of your experience!

More reviews


web: http://loveyourbelly.com

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